Wikinger June Update

Hello Wikingers!

June is almost over and we launched a few things.

First British Doctrine

We finally did it.
It took us longer then expected but we are happy with the result.

Tech Tree

The new tech tree is also online, take a look.


Starbuck did an awesome job playing arround with several things and came up with a way to implement Kangaroos – and several other great skins as well.
If you want to use them you have to be subscribed to our new skinpack.

Steam link to the new British Skinpack.

Note: It is enough to be subscribed to, you don’t have to equip it any more.


Unfortunately the changelog has just one bulletpoint

  • added the Royal Canadian Artillery 😉

Kidding – here is the changelog post on our forum.

But you can leave us your comments either in the section below or on the forums.


We also had a few bugs, but Olhausen fixed them and managed to eliminate them in less than 24 hours – if you are still having troubles, let us know here on our forums.


New video style – SPLITSCREEN


Shermanator DLC Giveaway

Our first giveaway goes to….

… congratulations angron – hope you like the British and especially use them to play our newest doctrine.


Stay tuned to not miss your next chance.

Many More Videos

Thanks to all of our content creators there is a constant uploading of new videos on YouTube.

Take a look how many ones you can find just with the keywords “wikinger mod“.



The modding continues!


And we are very happy that one of our valued members has put in a lot of work and is constantly translating the mod language file to French.
Other languages are also work in progress, once they cross the 25% completion border we will make it official which ones will follow (or even take over).

Well, that’s all for now… see you on the battlefield!

What do you think about this?